
暑期档黑马喜剧科幻电影《从21世纪安全撤离》正在热映中,今日发布电影片尾曲《Away from destiny》MV。MV将影片中的王炸兄弟团阴差阳错下往返二十年面对不那么好未来的多样情绪和片中名...

Of course, I moved out about 3 weeks before my 18th birthday and hardly came back until I was in graduate school, but that was my choice — my 2 elder siblings had left, bu...


如果有人跟你发生争执时说“close to home”,你可不要以为对方说的是“吵不过想回家”。close to home可以翻译为affecting one personally and intimately,戳到痛点。too close to ho...

Brief Introduction:This is how a Mexican family live indoors to curb the spread of the coronavirus: the father works from home, the children take online lessons, and they p...

更多内容请点击:暑期档口碑黑马喜剧科幻电影《从21世纪安全撤离》发布片尾曲MV... 推荐文章